
Thursday 4 December 2014

Richard PIG 3

One day Jack the pig was having a big drink from the water tank when suddenly his owner appeared with a large sack in his hand. He whipped the sack over Jack’s head and bundled him into the car. The car sped through the traffic until it arrived at the ocean. The owner lifted up the sack and hauled Jack onto a boat where another man started up the engine and sped off. Jack was scared as he knew he had been kidnapped! Luckily there was a little boy in the boat with his dad, who felt sorry for Jack the pig. He grabbed a knife and cut the rope which was tied around the sack. Jack was free! He lept from the boat into the water which was reflecting the bright sunlight. He was trying to use his hooves to tread the water but he could hardly stay afloat. He was so worried that his centration made Jack frown in earnest. Furthermore jack hated swimming and the turquoise water lapped over his snout. Lastly, panic was setting in as he appeared unable to close the gap to land.Out of nowhere, a swimmer appeared and helped Jack out of the water. Jack was taken to a new farm where he lived happily ever after.

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