This blog is a record of my learning from Pt England School in Auckland, through to Tamaki College.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Monday, 14 November 2016
Richard Story teller
There was a person who was a artist and he like drawing cars like Bugatti when he was 5 he started to swim with sharks with his bros Furthermore he decided to swim with sharks then people calls him a artist who swim with sharks but kids calls him swist 2 years ago he became a professional sharks expert
Friday, 28 October 2016
Richard maths Work
Walt: solve problems using angle measures.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Monday, 19 September 2016
Friday, 16 September 2016
Richard Practice Test
it was a good day then tj thought an a idea so he told her sister to kayak also it warm outside so they got ready to kayak when they were finished dressing up they pack some lunch because they will starved to death after that they went for two hours of kayaking then tj heard a noise in the lake.
Then tj went to look in the water then he found a crocodile then out of nowhere the 3 other crocodile came out and bit the kayak then tj look at her sister a then he saw she in trouble so tj swam as fast as he can also
Tj reminded that malia has super powers also she was like “OMG I forgot” then she super around the lake to get all the crocodile then tj use his superpowers
To punch them to africa then the crocodile was really hot at africa then they started to bust like the fire.
Also then dust came out then the wind blew them then tj and malia had there relaxing day in the lake also tj told malia said “ should go back cause it really boring” then tj said “let go home and play some on the ps4 also they were wwe
Wrestling game also tj always win cause he is addicted to it but malia didn't like wwe then she grabbed her iphone6splus to text her friend at school.
Then tj got bored by the game so he turn on the tv with his dad also they turn the rugby channel also the dad got dressed in his rugby clothes also he dressed up in QLD also tj dressed into Nsw Clothes.
Then qld won by 45 and nsw had 1 then tj has to buy the food cause nsw lost so tj bought kfc then malia said “can i have some kfc” then malia grabbed 3 plate for his dad and his brother furthermore someone knocked on the door when they open the.
They saw their mom for the first time so they spend a lot of time helping their mom also the mum was’nt the real mum it was a shape shifter that attack tj and malia then knew it was shape shifter the dad grabed his spear and stap her in the head but some came of her it was a letter from her mum.
Then TJ buld a ship to go to planet deez nutz then he found then they lived happily ever after
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Richard Life of Usain Bolt
Yo, Usain you forgot your lunch. Come and get your lunch!” then Usain was running real fast also he said “ I am not going to be late for school” then he got to school then he started to do work then he got bored so he took a little nap then he worked also he felt really hungry.
Then he sat down with a empty stomach also this man came out of nowhere then he said “do you want some “ then usain said “yes!” Then the man Said”you have to race for it “
Then Usain bolt said OMG Then they started racing
Then off They go Usain was losing when turn back he looked at food he liked also he won and started to jump every also he got the food and started to eat.
Then the man said you need to take this serious you then he started to run in the 100mtr Olympics also he won then he had a lot of trophy but in the final.
Usain Felt really worried that he won’t win the 100mtr race in the Olympics his mum came and encourage him to get his confident back then the mum said it doesn't matter if you win or lose just have fun and enjoy it.
When Usain started to race in the Olympics he saw his cheering for him then the mum started to smile at Usain then Usain ran fast then he won the gold medal then he real proud of him and his mum to
Friday, 2 September 2016
Monday, 29 August 2016
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Friday, 19 August 2016
Friday, 12 August 2016
Monday, 8 August 2016
Richard Olmypics
The Olympic is amazing because there is lot of all the time also some of the kids might be like them also they can carry their legacy.
Gatlin - training using hyper speed cameras.
Swimmer - working with Under Armour to make the best swim suit: some athletes train real hard to win the Olympics also athletes eats sleep train and sleep then go to the to build muscle.
Some people Like Usain Bolt uses puma cause they sponsors and by them also some people like making bike try to make them even lighter cause if it heavy it hard for athletes to ride it fast but I have one question if you make are bike light it can just break easy .
When athletes win they celebrate like usain bolt when he wins he always run around and when he’s finished running around he started to to kissed the ground also some athletes cry.
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Beating The Wind
Walt: locate and summarise ideas.
Walt: ask questions after reading to clarify our thinking and discuss what we are still wondering.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Richard Olympics Doc
Walt: respond using key information from a number of texts and our own knowledge.
Walt: compare a number of successful Olympic shoes over almost 90 years, looking at how and why the technology changed over time.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Samoan Warrior

One day there was a terrible war between Manu’s village and an old enemy tribe. As Manu tried his best to fight for his village, it seemed like they were going to lose the battle. Men were dying, women and children were crying as the battle went on. Manu tried his hardest to fight, but he was captured by the enemy. They tied his hands together and covered his mouth before they threw him into a pit.
The pit was dark and cold. Manu felt really hungry and he wondered what had happened to the people in his village. Luckily Manu remembered that he had a small knife hidden inside his lavalava. Manu got out of the pit and ran to his village.
Manu couldn’t believe what he saw. Then he started to get angry because his village was burnt down and his whole entire family was missing. So Manu spent two days searching for his family to restore balance. Otherwise there would be war.
Suddenly Manu hear a noise coming from the forest. “Manu!” cried his family. “Where were you?” Manu said. “We were hiding in the forest” they said. Then Manu and his family went to search for others. Manu gathered everyone together to rebuild their village.
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Paul Martin Recount
There was a famous illustrator and his name is paul martin. Guess what he is an Rugby player that plays for. The mighty Chiefs and his position is loose Forward also he came to our school to show his drawing also we took a lot of photos of him then we asked him some question also it was based on art.
Also I just wanted to say thank you to paul martin for coming to our school and thank you for showing us how to draw better background and making better comic books. Also thank you paul for bringing your books to inspire us so thank you paul martin for coming to our school
Real Life Heroes
There were two helpful,humble girls who helped Samoa. Because they felt really sad that they realised that Samoa doesn't have the stuff we have so the girls was like “ aye we have better stuff like I have a Chromebook but they have nothing to compare to us” also the girls offered books, pencils, and computers to help kids to learn.
Furthermore The girls had a fund raise to help kids at Samoa So they fundraiser books, computers, pencils to help kids learn furthermore.
Kelisha didn't know how to send the stuff at Samoa But luckily in fielding they happen to have a space in the airport.
One of the air force member was really happy that Kelisha and Aleisha offered some of their equipment at Samoa.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Friday, 10 June 2016
New Zealand Gold Rush Connection
Walt: identify key words and main ideas in and between texts
Walt: understand the author's purpose
Walt: summarise the key ideas of a text in an interesting way.
Walt: understand the author's purpose
Walt: summarise the key ideas of a text in an interesting way.
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Avenger Assemble!
In 200 years there was a villain who invented Ultron then 2 hour later the villain programed ultron to take
Over the world then he had a another idea so he created the particle accelerator to give human super Power also there was two boys who wanted speed to save the world then out of nowhere the particle Accelerator exploded then the two boy's felt a lightning inside of them.
Then the lightning gave them super speed then the two boy's felt strong and fast also there heart were beating so fast and they go by name of Flash and Quicksilver Then the two boys started to have a race then the boys saw a villain who created Ultron so the boys started to act like they're super hero So Quicksilver had element to make stuff slow so Flash started to super speed in a cricle so when Flash felt a lightning in his hand then he chucked the lightning at the villain so the villain burst thru like a shooting star then he flew right to jail.
Then Flash and Quicksilver noticed that Ultron was gone so flash and quicksilver super speed around the world then Flash saw him so he went to Quicksilver and the Flash had an idea to take down the fearless Ultron so 2 weeks later Ultron had a army of his own so Quicksilver heard that Ultron had a army So Quicksilver went to Flash to tell that Ultron has a army so Quicksilver and Flash had a army to So Flash gather everyone who has super powers from the particle accelerator.
Then Flash Had a message from Ultron and he said “we will kill everyone in this planet” so flash told Every one to train real hard and get prepared to face Ultron so everyone got prepared for the fight So flash and quicksilver super speed to ultron so flash said “ you will never get away with this” so everybody was hiding in sike so Flash gave a signal to everybody to ambushed Ultron army Then Flash and Quicksilver took care of Ultron then Ultron surrender so quicksilver took Ultron in a cell With laser and guns also a bomb
Will He Save Her

To mary jane to stop being scared and stop panicking Then out of nowhere
Dr Doom said There’s is Nowhere to go
then out of nowhere batman came and save mary jane Then spiderman and batman killed dr doom because to keep the world safe.
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Friday, 20 May 2016
Fab Four

From The guardians and the guardians gave. Snake eye power and the power are flight,super speed,super strength, telekinesis, and there is 2 superpower left it is shape shifting and when he say shazam these random lightning coming out of nowhere then he turns into a bulky person and muscular also he is so handsome that nobody can resist it
So Snake eye uses those power to save his city from bad guy by taking over the world.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Monday, 9 May 2016
Richard Immersion
It was the first day of the term and everyone was dying to see what their team is doing for this term. The hall was a bit hot. I sat down with my class and waited to see what the topic for the term was. Our topic for this term is “As I see it” and our team, Team 4 is learning about Comic Books. Mr Somerville was called Team Leader America and he was dressed in blue with a shield. Mr Goodwin was called Bat Guy and dressed in all black. Miss Lavakula dressed as Wonder Woman, but her name was Wondering Woman and Mr Baxendine was a little teddy bear called Bear Baxendine and he steals netbooks, so he was a baddy. They all looked awesome, the man who created the first comic was called, Rudolphe Topffer. WOW! I had no idea that comics were around for that long, how interesting.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Monday, 11 April 2016
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Friday, 1 April 2016
Richard Timeline
Walt: Tell time in hours.
Friday, 18 March 2016
Richard MTV Movie For Extension
Richard Group MTV from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Talofa lava My name is Richard
As you can see this is my Extension movie also we have to work in small groups of 4-5. also we had to work a doc to show
our learning and we have to Brainstorm with your group - which song will you use? Will you change the lyrics to suit your MTV?
Monday, 14 March 2016
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Richard Volcanoes Around the World
WALT: Find volcanoes on google maps, pin them and then write facts about them in our own words.
First we had to go to our google drive then go to the left and click NEW. Then you scroll down and click more , after that you click google maps We had to create a google maps showing volcanoes in New Zealand or in the world. We also had to write how they can affect the world because the scientist sometime climb up the volcanoes and when it erupts the might tell the world to move the reason why the sicentist tell because they want to keep the world safe just incase
First we had to go to our google drive then go to the left and click NEW. Then you scroll down and click more , after that you click google maps We had to create a google maps showing volcanoes in New Zealand or in the world. We also had to write how they can affect the world because the scientist sometime climb up the volcanoes and when it erupts the might tell the world to move the reason why the sicentist tell because they want to keep the world safe just incase
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Richard Problem Solving Week 6
Walt: Multiply using place value.
Here is my Activity for you to look at and if you like it then please leave a comment on my Blog. Thank you very much
Richard Work
My amazing group which is the Redbands had to create a
picture based on this which is "The hunting trail takes them deeper into the valley,
where the mountains begin to rise and the river starts it's journey..."
Friday, 4 March 2016
Friday, 26 February 2016
Richard Narative Poster
Walt: work together to deconstruct a narrative text into it's main parts: characters, setting, problem, resolution.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Richard Math work
Walt: Add decimals.
Here is my Activity for you to look at and if you like it then please leave a comment on my Blog. Thank you very much
Here is my Activity for you to look at and if you like it then please leave a comment on my Blog. Thank you very much
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Richard Narative story

put the guy inside the cave so the son came inside the cave because he heard a sound so he used his power super speed all the way to the cave when the soldier kill the guy the son got so angry
he got up and shoot all the solder and he ran so fast that nobody can he save his dad life with his healing powers after that they prepare to fight the solder also new that the guy son has power also the son super speed back were
the solder were when the solder know that guy son had healing power the solder prepare to begin the was so they are going to bring a whole bunch of people when the son saw the solder people he super speed back home furthermore he went to go back to get some people to help him and
his dad so he went to the solder and the son said ‘“we will begin the war next week” then the war started also the solder lost
And that the end of my story finished
Friday, 12 February 2016
Richard Maths work
Walt: Subtract numbers by making tens.
Here is my Activity for you to look at and if you like it then please leave a comment on my Blog. Thank you very much
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Richard Duffy writing
Duffy Assembly
Guess What? At 2pm (straight after lunch) the Yr 6 - Yr 8 students went to the school hall to watch a Duffy assembly. 3 people were starring in it and their names were, Tevita, Simon and Talia. Talia played Ruby, which was duffy’s neighbour. Simon played Duffy and Tevita played all of the other parts. For Example: Tevita played, Mum, Dad, Musician and even a baby. This time their show was called Duffy’s Time Travel Mission. By the sound of the title it sounded like it was going to be a pretty choice show to watch also my favorite part is the man sing the song
Friday, 5 February 2016
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